Emohruo Financial Services ~ Mick Ashcroft
20th June 2018
Please read all of this email today
Please read all of this email today
Please read all of this email today
Mick, the pinup boy of Emohruo Financial Services is not only ruggedly handsome, he also has some damn fine knowledge up his sleeve to help make your transition to retirement a very rewarding one. Miss this presentation and you could lose thousands $$$
Keep the meeting free for 1st August, we are going on a road trip. Our normal meeting will be replaced by a meeting with the Premier of NSW. We have secured a table of 10 for Narellan and can take more if necessary. Your normal breakfast fee will be subsidised by SWNG Narellan to cover the normal cost of $65 a ticket. Spots will fill fast so let John know asap if you are coming. 7am at Club Menangle....Don't miss this opportunity.
SWNG Chapter: Narellan
Venue: Juicy Goose
Event Date: Wed, 20 Jun
Event Time: 7:00 am
Interesting in attending?
Join us for two free breakfasts and see what all the fuss is about.
south west networking group
Contact SWNG
President: Tony Bonanno
Phone: 0414 746 463
President: Antonella Ianni
Phone: 0423 397 171
President: Kirk Duncan
Phone: 0400 118 887
President: Michael Ashcroft
Phone: 0478 772 255