Harry Hunt and a visit from the Campbelltown Chapter
21st October 2020

The Liverpool Chapter is meeting in person, we have plenty of space and are able to safety distance.

This meeting we hear from Harry Hunt, owner of Hunts Hotel Liverpool. Harry always delivers great value and words of business wisdom when he presents so this morning will be a breakfast not to miss.

We will also be hosting our friends from the Campbelltown Chapter of SWNG, so plenty of enthusiastic networking will take place on the day.

Visitors are welcome to join us and see what we are about, please book in now to join us for a free breakfast.

SWNG Chapter: Campbelltown

Venue: Hunts Hotel, Casula

Event Date: Wed, 21 Oct
Event Time: 7:00 am

Interesting in attending?

Join us for two free breakfasts and see what all the fuss is about.

south west networking group

Contact SWNG


President: Tony Bonanno
Phone: 0414 746 463 


President: Antonella Ianni
Phone: 0423 397 171


President: Kirk Duncan
Phone: 0400 118 887


President: Michael Ashcroft
Phone: 0478 772 255