Online Meeting
25th March 2020

For now all metings will be online due to Covid 19, just as an extra precaution.
We will re evaluate each week.

Before the meeting on 25/3 we will send an email with details of how to connect to the online meetings.
The Agenda proposed is

  • 7:30 am Connect into the event

  • 7:40 Raps, Referrals and General Business

  • 7:50 Marilyn will speak about Federal and State support on offer

  • 8:00 Questions

  • 8:10 General discussion on ways to improve the meeting for next week

  • 8:30 Finish

For those interested in small group catch ups of 3-4 people (eg coffee) please let John know and we will get a list together and have them arranged.

SWNG Chapter: Narellan

Venue: Online

Event Date: Wed, 25 Mar
Event Time: 7:30 am

Interesting in attending?

Join us for two free breakfasts and see what all the fuss is about.

south west networking group

Contact SWNG


President: Nathan Pickering
Phone: 0420 998 460


President: Antonella Ianni
Phone: 0423 397 171


President: Wendy White
Phone: 0409 228 149


President: Michael Ashcroft
Phone: 0478 772 255