SWNG Combined Training Event @ Liverpool
16th March 2022
This Combined Training meeting will be hosted by the Liverpool Chapter at Hunts Hotel at the Crossroads.
Our speaker is Scott Taylor, Managing Director of Praesidium Risk and Resilience.
Topic: Social Engineering and Online Safety.
In this presentation Scott shares some insight on how organisational vulnerabilities can be identified and potentially exploited through the manipulation of people and their emotions. Through this approach, individuals with bad intent can gain access to confidential information and they can influence staff members to take actions that may not be in their best interest or in the best interests of the organisation they represent.
This presentation will cover off the techniques utilised and provide you tips on how you can protect your organisation and yourself against them.
SWNG Chapter: All SWNG
Venue: Hunts Hotel, Casula
Event Date: Wed, 16 Mar
Event Time: 7:00 am
Interesting in attending?
Join us for two free breakfasts and see what all the fuss is about.
south west networking group
Contact SWNG
President: Nathan Pickering
Phone: 0420 998 460
President: Antonella Ianni
Phone: 0423 397 171
President: Wendy White
Phone: 0409 228 149
President: Michael Ashcroft
Phone: 0478 772 255