T&E - Max Garcia takes the stage
27th January 2021
Master Max Garcia will take the stage to inspire and get your creative side thinking outside the box.
This meeting the Narellan chapter will be exploring some commonly asked questions which will help you all walk away and think about what changes can be made to see the best return on your time and effort. Whether you like it or not - you will walk out feeling inspired, on a high and ready to kick some business butt - because let's face facts - everyone gets a tad excited then the Marine speaks.
Can I get an Amen ladies!
SWNG Chapter: Narellan
Venue: Juicy Goose
Event Date: Wed, 27 Jan
Event Time: 6:45 am
Interesting in attending?
Join us for two free breakfasts and see what all the fuss is about.
south west networking group
Contact SWNG
President: Tony Bonanno
Phone: 0414 746 463
President: Antonella Ianni
Phone: 0423 397 171
President: Kirk Duncan
Phone: 0400 118 887
President: Michael Ashcroft
Phone: 0478 772 255