Time to kick start 2019
30th January 2019

Welcome back.
This meeting will arm you with the tools to make 2019 kick off with a bang rather than a whimper.
See you there 🙂


Referrals and Raps
Ian will do a quick how on using the website
Raps: What is a rap, how do I do one on the website and at a meeting
Referrals: What is a referral, how do I do one on the website and at a meeting

Goals for 2019
Worked and what didn't last year?
Budget, discuss what would we like to do with our bit
Last years was
Group Training workshops etc $4,500
Combined meeting costs – visiting speaker $300 per combined meeting
We did a great job growing the group in 2018, 22 members. How many more do we want and what should we target?
Facebook group page and messenger, how to use it with local community groups
Everyone to try and do a "Coffee Chat" with members during the year
Should we try the " Membership March " again and put some one in charge of planing out a special month of things for it where we all try and bring at least 1 guest that month?

Maybe Tony can give a little update?

SWNG Chapter: Narellan

Venue: Juicy Goose

Event Date: Wed, 30 Jan
Event Time: 7:00 am

Interesting in attending?

Join us for two free breakfasts and see what all the fuss is about.

south west networking group

Contact SWNG


President: Tony Bonanno
Phone: 0414 746 463 


President: Antonella Ianni
Phone: 0423 397 171


President: Kirk Duncan
Phone: 0400 118 887


President: Michael Ashcroft
Phone: 0478 772 255