Welcome to SWNG Camden featuring Monique Peters from Brain Wise Learning
29th May 2024

Welcome to Monique Peters from Brain Wise Learning who is presenting to us at SWNG Camden!

The mission of Brain Wise Learning is to increase awareness of auditory processing, the role it plays in learning challenges and the science and technology that can help.

Monique was so worried about her son's learning challenges that she spent many sleepless nights researching for anything that would help. 

The book, The Brain That Changes Itself by Dr Norman Doidge introduced Monique to the latest brain research in 2012.  And since 2015, she has supported many families with online programs that have physically changed the brain's ability to learn.  First with a Sydney speech pathologist, and from 2018, serving the children, teens, adults and seniors of greater western Sydney who want to improve their ability to learn, read and communicate as her own business.

Join us this Wednesday at 7am at Camden Valley Inn to hear from Monique and meet some of the people from Camdens most well-known businesses. Your first two breakfasts are complimentary - look forward to seeing you there!

SWNG Chapter: Camden

Venue: Camden Valley Inn

Event Date: Wed, 29 May
Event Time: 7:00 am

Interesting in attending?

Join us for two free breakfasts and see what all the fuss is about.

south west networking group

Contact SWNG


President: Tony Bonanno
Phone: 0414 746 463 


President: Antonella Ianni
Phone: 0423 397 171


President: Kirk Duncan
Phone: 0400 118 887


President: Michael Ashcroft
Phone: 0478 772 255